BBC did a shoddy work on the “Sex for Grade” Exposé ! – A Plus

This is what happens when you fail to take your quantitative lesson seriously. The first thing I learned from Mr Kurantin, my quantitative lecturer at Gimpa is; the smaller the sample size, the bigger the margin of error.
As big as University of Ghana is and the population of lecturers it employs, BBC’s investigation found only two lecturers in the institution as culprits who have attempted to have a sexual relationship with female students. According to their own investigation, one lady was not even a student of the accused lecturer. How then do you capture their relationship under an investigation with a caption #sexforgrades. How is that possible?
I don’t support any lecturer using his/her office to take undue advantage of students and anyone found guilty must be dealt with drastically by the institution but a whole BBC with their resources and integrity cannot do such a shody investigation and tarnish the reputation of the nation’s premium university.
If BBC means well and is in to do a genuine investigation, why don’t they come out with videos of the remaining lecturers who didn’t fall for the ladies they used for the investigation? Is it not fair that we know and celebrate them for protecting their integrity and respecting the laws of the school?
If they actually found just two lecturers culpable out of the many in University of Ghana? Doesn’t it rather mean that, the University of Ghana is a world class educational institution where people attain certificates genuinely and majority of lecturers work professionally?
Everything in Africa is evil. Our universities are bad. Our grades are bad. Our dead ancestors are evil – we must not pour libation to them but dead popes are saints are good we must burn incense to. We have suffered!! Africa!!! we have really suffered God!!!
How do you target some people intentionally and generalize your findings over the whole school. For so many years you have found ways to destroy us. How do we attain the united nations sustainable development goals when for so many years there has been a calculated attempt to paint Africa black? These things must end!!! You must apologize to the hardworking ladies and gentlemen who study and pass their exams genuinely. You have painted a very bad image of them as well as the good lecterers of the school.
After taking our gold and other natural resources and human beings for free for 400 years, you want to make our tertiary institutions look bad so that we pay to get so called “better” certificates in the west? Haven’t we suffered enough?
-Kwame A Plus